According to forecasts of some investigators, in the next three years the central pool of Internet Protocol addresses of the present version 4, IPv4 will be depleted, so from January 1st, of 2011, NIC Mexico will not be able to allocate anymore IPv4 addresses and will only assign IP addresses in version 6 of the Internet Protocol (IPv6).
NIC Mexico altogether with LACNIC, organism in charge of managing the allocations of Internet Resources in the region of Latin America LACNIC; they assume the responsibility to communicate and to create awareness to the Internet Community about this fact, in order to prepare the community with anticipation and encourage them to take the necessary actions on the matter.
The objective of this announcement is to create awareness to the Internet Community on this fact in advance, so that suitable measures could be taken, commented Oscar Robles, NIC Mexico's CEO. The change on the Protocol takes order because of the fast growth of Internet at World-Wide, and to the new uses that glimpse, particularly about to the Internet connection through mobile devices and other nontraditional devices, said the CEO.
According to NIC Mexico, it is recommendable for companies, governments and institutions, take the proper considerations by analyzing their future needs on new allocations, and if being necessary take any and all measurements to migrate to version six of this protocol (IPv6). It is convenient to emphasize that at the present time the allocation of Internet Resources addresses of IPv6 is free of charge.
It is recommendable to take advantage of time and start reviewing many of the critical applications that some companies and government organizations use, in order to avoid doing it at the latest moment.
Not all the organizations have the same needs, thus each organization must evaluate if it is necessary to realize the IPv6 adoption, but in this case it has to be done before 1/1/11.
Those organizations that already know that will require additional IP addresses allocations after 2011, must have finalized the IPv6 adoption process inside your organization before January 1st, 2011 (1/1/11), added Oscar Robles.
According to NIC Mexico, the resources of IPv4 addresses are on the way to being finished, since the central pool could be definitively depleted in the next 3 years, so it is important to start planning the necessary changes to Mexico's Internet infrastructure.
IPv4 addresses may be exhausted even before year 2011. Therefore NIC Mexico will maintain opportunely communicated the Internet Community about this topic, concluded Oscar Robles, NIC México's CEO.
About IPv6
IPv6 is the Interred Protocol version 6, is a network layer protocol for packet-switched internetworks. It is designated as the successor of IPv4, the current version of the Internet Protocol, for general use on the Internet. The main improvement brought by IPv6 is the increase in the number of addresses available for networked devices.
IPv4 supports 2^32 (about 4.3 billion) addresses, which is inadequate for giving even one address to every living person, let alone supporting embedded and portable devices, allowing, for example, each mobile phone and mobile electronic device to have its own address. IPv6, however, supports 2^128 (about 340 billion billion billion billion) addresses, or approximately 5×1028 addresses for each of the roughly 6.5 billion people alive today. With such a large address space available, IPv6 nodes can have as many universally scoped addresses as they need, and network address translation is not required.