1. Sum of digits using recursion
2. Generate prime numbers from 1 to n
3. Find roots of quadratic equation
4. Print
* * * * *
* * * *
* * *
* *
5. Print
5 5 5 5 5
4 4 4 4
3 3 3
2 2
6. Print
7. Generate factorial from 1 to n
8. GCD using recursion
9. Print pyramid of numbers
2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 10
10. Fibonacci using recursion
11. Menu driven program for area of triangle and perimeter of circle using switch
12. Print three digit number in words
13. Pascal triangle
14. Write a function to reverse a number
15. Find smallest and largest number in a list of 10 integers
16. Perform multiplication of 2 matrices using functions
17. Check whether a given string is palindrome or not
18. Find substring from a given string using pointers by accepting starting and ending
19. Find sum of even, sum of odd, count of even and count of odd numbers from a list of
10 integers
20. Find the sum of series 1 - x²/2! + x4/4! - ..........xⁿ/n!
21. Find the sum of series x – x3/3! + x5/5! - ...........xⁿ/n!
22. Count the number of vowels, spaces, words and consonants in a given text.
23. Store 10 numbers into “number.txt” and copy even nos. into “even.txt” and odd
numbers into “odd.txt”
24. Define a structure “employee” with eid, name and salary as its members. Store
information of 3 employees into a file “company.txt” and
a) append the file with one more employee details
b) display details of all employees
25. Define a structure “product” with pid, name and cost as its members. Store
information of 3 products into a file “market.txt” and
a) modify the details of a particular product by accepting pid
b) display details of all products
26. Define a structure “student” with roll, name and marks as its members. Store
information of 3 students into a file “college.txt” and
a) search the details of a particular student by accepting roll
b) display details of all products
27. Perform linear search in a list of 10 integers
28. Perform binary search in a list of 10 integers
29. Perform insertion sort on 10 integers
30. Perform selection sort on 10 integers
31. Perform bubble sort on 10 integers
32. Perform quick sort on 10 integers
33. Perform merge sort on 10 integers
34. Implement a stack using arrays for push and pop operations
35. Implement a queue using arrays for insert and delete operations
36. Implement a circular queue using arrays for insert and delete operations
37. For a linked list
a) add element at the end
b) delete element at beginning
38. For a linked list
a) add element at the beginning
b) delete element at a given position
39. For a linked list
a) add element at a given position
b) delete element at end
40. For a doubly linked list
a) add element at the end
b) delete element at beginning
41. For a doubly linked list
a) add element at the beginning
b) delete element at a given position
42. For a doubly linked list
a) add element at a given position
b) delete element at end
43. Implement stack using linked list
44. Implement queue using linked list
45. Create a binary search tree and perform inorder, preorder and post order traversals
1 Comment
really useful....
Posted on Wednesday, July 09, 2008 12:37:00 PM